Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How's your SUV now, BITCH?

So, gas is over $6.00 in some places. How does it feel filling that 31 gallon tank of your new Escalade now? Close to $200 per fill up. And something tells me that at 13 mpg you're filling up at least twice a week.

Good. Fuck you Asshole.


Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

So glad I drive a Beetle. Although, those hybrids are looking better and better.

Nölff said...

Those SUV guys bought all the gas here. Bastards.

fatrobot said...

what am i supposed to sniff at these outrageous prices!!

lilmammal said...

I have found a cheap alternative is simple ammonia-in-a-plastic-baggy, Robot.

Sonic Reducer said...

Try huffing paint, that seems to kill brain cells as fast as meth...