Monday, June 19, 2006

More World Cup Goodness

Are all the Sweedish soccer fans hot and horny? That's what I've learned about world cup.

Here are some Facts:

*Pearl Jam Rock live. 6 guys, 3 hour shows, a different set list every night, arenas packed to the rafters and a rocking new album.

*Soccer is more boring than golf. The US didn't even score the goal against Italy, the Itallians knocked it in themselves.

*In the next six months my life will be changing dramatically. That's all I can say for now.

*I am now old. During my last trip to CVS I purchased a knee brace and reading glasses.

Here are some Myths:

*George Bush is actually running the country.

*I am a good poker player.

*I am a good guitar player.

*Pot lowers your sperm count.

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