Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Why MTV Sucks balls

It's not just the lack of creativity and the most narrow playlist in history. It's the ability to completely fuck up the broadcast of a huge set of concerts.

Everytime there was someone I wanted to see perform on the Live 8 shows, they showed 30 seconds and cut away. If they didn't cut away the idiot VJ's were talking over the performance.

MTV's day was the mid 80's. You're so far behind the curve it's not even funny.

It's over Johnny. Fuse owns your ass.

1 comment:

Sonic Reducer said...

Coldplay blows. I'm so tired of hearing how great their whiny shit is. Every song sounds the same. There's no balls in anything they've ever recorded. Even when they "rock" they sound as tough as Good Charlotte.

It's funny that Jack White records an album in 2 weeks that's better than anything Coldplay could ever hope to record.