Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Back to the Gym

It feels good to work out. It's the dragging my ass out of bed at 6:30 part that's the problem.

The good thing is that when I do go I do push myself hard. I did upper body today. I do these sets where the reps decrease as the weight increases, like this:

Bench Press 12 reps with 2 - 30 lb dumbells
10 reps with 35lbs
8 reps with 40lbs
6 reps with 45lbs
12 reps with 40 lbs.

I also do arms at side and lift them straight up so I look like a "t".

Wide grip pull down

Close grip pull down


The bad part is that I go to teh YMCA and they don't have shower stalls, it's prision showers. One room, 10 shower heads. Quite often I'm showering next to an old guy....not fun.

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